BENZYL ALCOHOL 99.8% Pharma Grade
Conforms to BP, FCC – Crystal clear Undiluted
Identification Passes NF/ FCC Tests
Assay, % (by NF method) 98.0 -100.5
Assay, % (by FCC method) 99.0 Minimum
Assay, % (Benzyl Alcohol %) 99.8 Minimum
Acidity, ml of 0.10 N NaOH 1.0 Maximum
Aldehyde, % (FCC) 0.2 Maximum
Peroxide Value 5 Maximum
Clarity of Solution Solution is Clear
Colour of Solution Solution is Colorless
Refractive Index (@ 20°C) 1.538- 1.541
Specific Gravity (@ 25°/25°C) 1.042 -1.047
Distillation Range, % (FCC) >95.0, by volume, distills between 202.5° & 206.5°C
Nonvolatile Residue Not more than 5 mg/10.0g
Chlorinated Compounds Passes FCC Test (Negative)
Residual solvents (periodic analysis)
RC-Benzaldehyde, % 0.15 Maximum
RC-Cyclohexylmethanol, % 0.10 Maximum
Total of other peaks with relative retention
less than that of benzyl alcohol, % 0.04 Maximum
Total of other peaks with relative retention
greater than that of benzyl alcohol, % 0.3 Maximum